
Solid/liquid separation and cycle management Water treatment in the chemical industry

In the chemical industry our devices and solutions for solid-liquid separation are used in very different applications. Often, our products are used in the treatment of process or wastewater. In addition, the treatment of surface water (for example rainwater), which must be treated before being discharged into water, is gaining importance. Another big area of application is the separation of the products from suspensions, which are prepared for example by precipitation in reactors.

With our continuous sand filters, the solids from cooling circuits can be effectively separated, for example via a bypass filtration. Depending on the application, the priority can be the reuse of the water, the extraction of a product or the treatment of a wastewater.

Pilot plants of Leiblein

Our products are available to rent for pilot tests. Due to our extensive rental park, we can put together complete test systems individually for your task.

Versatile applications References in the chemical industry

Treatment of brine using lamella separators
The project

In a chemical factory large amounts of soiled brine have to be disposed. The brine can be sold as recyclable material after it has been freed from the soiling. The high chemical load of the medium, the high temperatures and especially the large amounts of sludge placed high demands on the design of the treatment system.

Technical details
Intake flow:30 m³/h
Sludge flow:15 m³/h
Medium:salt brine
Contained substances:chalk, plaster, clay, coke
Temperature:60 - 85 °C
Clarifying area:60 m²
Clarifying area load:0,5 m/h
Type of lamellae:PP - plates
Lamella spacing:50 mm
Inclination:60 °
Housing material:steel, plain on the inside, rubberised with improved wall thickness on the contact areas
Effluent from PVC manufacturing
The project

During the production of PVC, effluent accrues at different production stages, as for example vacuum filtration. The effluent is precipitated, particles are sedimented and the resulting sludge is drained using a chamber filter press.

Due to changed production methods and increased amounts of wastewater the plant had to be modified. The highly aggressive wastewater and restricted space required a special construction of the lamella separator.

Technical details
Intake flow:20 m³/h
Clarifying area:140 m²
Clarifying area load:0,15 m/h
Type of lamellae:Leiblein-Wabenfilter
Lamella material:polypropylene
Lamella spacing:40 mm
Inclination:60 °
Housing material:stainless steel # 1.4571
Effluent treatment from the production of expandable polystyrene
The project

Effluent continuously occurs during the production of expandable polystyrene in a well known chemical factory. The water has to be treated in a company’s own effluent plant before it can be discharged. After extensive research and investigation the company decided to use Leiblein lamella separators.

Functional description

The water from the polystyrene production is collected in a pit / tank and led in constant quantities into the lamella separators. Disruptive substances contained in the water are separated and led into a decanter centrifuge for further drainage. The purified water is led by slopes into the factory’s wastewater-system.

The sedimentation process was designed that no treatment chemicals were necessary. The exhaust air of the lamella separator is collected and discharged in safe manner.

Technologies for solid/liquid separation Leiblein products for the chemical industry